vrnews recently launched

Recently Launched: VR News

Hey folks, I have a fun side project to share. During the recent lock-down, I’ve been watching how popular VR experiences have become. This lead to a little pandemic passion project.

I’ve been interested in virtual reality for several years. Some of that interest has been in the creation of prototype websites in VR. Other parts of that interest were in sharing the topic with friends.

I want to encourage you to visit the newly launched VR news site and let us know what you think @VRNewsIO on Twitter.

We attempted to make something a little more fun and a little less business than we typically put out. It has a few features like detecting the users’ OS preference and activating light or dark mode. There’s also a fun animated background on the desktop.

The website was a fun little project to throw together, so I wanted to take a quick moment to share. Feel free to reach out with any feedback.

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